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Britain’s biggest power station ‘burns ancient forests for green fuel’

Activists claim Drax is destroying old-growth trees after it replaced coal with wood pellets

Britain’s biggest power station has been accused of “ecocide” over allegations it is burning trees taken from ancient and protected woodland in Canada.
Drax, which once burned coal but now uses wood harvested in North American forests and shipped to the UK, has been accused of destroying the environment in its push to go green.
The North Yorkshire power plant’s wood pellet fuel uses timber from primary and old growth forests in British Columbia with unique habitats and ecological functions, according to analysis by three campaign groups.
Activists also allege that many of the logs delivered to Drax’s pellet mills in the province came from Priority Deferral Areas, rare and irreplaceable woodlands where experts recommend against harvesting.
Drax insists that all fuel comes from sustainable sources.
Michelle Connolly, director of Conservation North, one of the campaign groups, said: “Drax insisted that they only get their raw material from sustainably managed forests. These findings show that this is not the case in British Columbia, where the provincial government is enabling the liquidation of our last old growth forests and pulling the British public into this ecocide.”
A parallel BBC investigation using documents from British Columbia’s Ministry of Forests suggested Drax took more than 40,000 tonnes of wood from old growth forests.
Drax switched from burning coal to wood to halt emissions from fossil fuels.
This should create carbon-neutral energy because trees grow by absorbing CO2. If they are burned it releases the same CO2 back into the atmosphere, so the process is carbon neutral as long as the trees are replaced.
Drax plans to add carbon capture units to its boilers, making the plant carbon-negative if successful by taking CO2 captured from the air and burying it underground forever.
A Drax spokesman said: “Drax sources its biomass from sawmill residues, harvesting residues, and fibre which has little other use or market value. We do not own forests or sawmills and are not responsible for the licensing and harvesting of forests.”
The row is happening now because a UK government consultation on proposing new subsidies for Drax and Lynemouth power stations is due to end on Thursday.
Both receive money funded by energy bill payers because the electricity produced from burning wood pellets is classified as renewable. Drax Group is to publish its financial results for 2023 on the same day.
In March, UK government advisors on the Climate Change Committee said that burning bioenergy with a yet-to-be scaled carbon capture system that could absorb the emissions produced and could be part of a balanced energy mix.
Environmentalists argue that cutting down forests is no way to save the planet – and the process assumes such companies only use sustainable wood.
More than 50 British and Canadian campaign groups – including Greenpeace, the World Wide Fund for Nature and Friends of the Earth – signed letters sent to Energy Secretary Claire Couthino on Wednesday, calling for the Government to end the burning of forest biomass in UK power stations.
One said: “The evidence is clear: bioenergy fails on every metric. It fails to secure our energy security, fails to ensure value for money for the public purse, fails to help reach net zero and fails to preserve biodiversity or protect human health.
A letter signed by over 165 scientists from universities across countries like the UK, US, Australia, France, Germany, Portugal and the Netherlands, was also sent to the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ).
It said: “Bioenergy is an emerging and growing threat to biodiversity and our climate that must be stopped — not extended and facilitated — if we hope to avert climate disaster and biodiversity collapse.”
Conservation North worked with Biofuelwatch and Bulkey Valley Stewardship Coalition on the investigation into Drax.
Almuth Ernsting, co-director of Biofuelwatch, said: “If the UK government goes ahead with the new subsidies they have proposed for Drax despite these new revelations, then they can drop any pretence of concern about forest and nature conservation, and delete the word ‘sustainable’ from their already deeply flawed 2023 Biomass Strategy.”
A DESNZ spokesman said: “The Climate Change Committee has acknowledged that achieving net zero is dependent on solutions like bioenergy with carbon capture and storage, which will help offset emissions from other industries.
